Samay’s Pirate Party

Pirate Birthday Party

I was sent these gorgeous Pirate Party photos from Maitri of Tutus and Toads last year & I have finally gotten around to putting them up on my blog.

As you can see from the photos, her son Samay had the most amazing Pirate Party ever. Not least due to the snowstorm that turned the birthday party into a sleepover as the guests got snowed in!

Have a look at Maitri’s beautifully styled party table. It has plenty of Pirate Party design inspiration! I particularly love the treasure chest draped with gold jewels!

Pirate Birthday Party

As a party planner, it’s no surprise the level of detail that Maitri went to with her son’s party. She used my Pirate Party Printables to accent her party, as well as a host of other pirate themed styling ideas. And I love that the adults got dressed in Pirate garb as well as the kids. Have a look at their fantastic pirate costumes!

Pirate Birthday Party

Maitri used my printable party signs, food tags & water bottle labels to style the Pirate Party food. The “Pirate Gold” & “Shiver Me Timber Wraps” are a great idea!

Pirate Birthday Party

You can see more photos of Samay’s Pirate Party and all Maitri’s party styling details on her site over at Tutus and Toads. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next!

Don’t forget that my Pirate Party Printables will help you have the most fantastic Pirate Party ever. All the party preparation work has been done for you. Just customize & print from your home computer!

You can purchase them from the shop HERE for only $12.5.0

If you have a little pirate who prefers pink, you can purchase my Pirate Party Printables – Pink & Black from the shop HERE.

Happy pirate partying!